Friday, January 29, 2010

Exciting News and Mid-terms

Sra. Brown and I are going to take our Spanish students on a field trip to see some theatrical productions. We are soooo excited about doing this. The trip will occur in late April. More details to follow!

I am also planning to take my French students to the Alliance Francaise and to visit a French cafe or restaurant once we get details and approval for the trip.

We will start fundraising for both in the coming weeks!

Mid-terms for all classes will be taking place next week. All 8th grade classes have received their mid-term review sheets. 7th grade Spanish I will receive those on Monday. Students may use their review sheets to study and do that INSTEAD of studying their vocabulary for their study diaries.

Spanish II Mid-term will be Wednesday morning.
Spanish I (8th grade) mid-term will be on Thursday morning
French I (8th grade) mid-term will be on Thursday afternoon
Spanish I (7th grade) mid-term will be on Friday afternoon.

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 2010

Mid-term exams for A-day classes will be on 2/4 and B-day classes will be on 2/3.

Today was an A-day.

Spanish I today practiced using -ar verbs to talk about what people do and don't do. We played 20 questions using the forms for yo and tu (I and you) and then worked on a conversation from the book. Students also worked on their flashcards for their new vocabulary.

French I today practiced asking and answering the question (What is she/he like?). We made up conversations about famous people and asked/answered the questions. Not all students finished presenting, so we will finish that on Wed. In addition I forgot to take up the homework today- so everyone better have it on Wed.! They have a vocabulary test on Friday, a verb quiz on 2/8/10, and a mid-term exam on 2/4/10. They received their list of verbs today for the 2/8 quiz. They will get the mid-term review sheet on Friday when they are done with their vocabulary test.